What Is An Installment Loan Definition?

An installment loan is a type of loan in which the borrower repays the loan over time in fixed payments. Installment loans are intended to give borrowers the money they need to make big purchases or pay off debt.

This article will describe the many forms of installment loans, how they operate, and the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing them.

How an Installment Loan Works

The Loan Application Process

Typically, borrowers apply for an installment loan online or by submitting a loan application to a bank, credit union, or other type of lender. Typically, the application will ask for personal and financial details including credit scores, employment history, and income.

This data will be used by the lender to assess the borrower’s creditworthiness and to establish the loan’s parameters, including interest rate and payback schedule. Upon loan approval, the borrower will usually be asked to sign a loan agreement that contains all of the loan’s terms.

Interest Rates and Fees

The cost of borrowing money on an installment loan is known as the interest rate, which is usually expressed as a percentage of the loan amount. Depending on the loan type, the lender, and the borrower’s credit history, interest rates might differ significantly.

In addition, certain lenders might impose application, origination, or other costs. This is something to keep in mind while comparing loan offers.

Repayment Terms

Depending on the lender and the type of loan, installment loan payback periods can change. Installment loans often feature predetermined payback plans with equal monthly installments spread out over a predetermined amount of time.

Repayment terms vary based on loan size and borrower’s capacity to make payments; they can be as short as a few months or as long as several years. Loan terms should be understood by borrowers, and they should only take out loans that they can afford to pay back.

Types of Installment Loans

Let’s talk about the many kinds of installment loans that are accessible to borrowers. These consist of student loans, auto loans, mortgage loans, and personal loans. Every kind of loan has distinct terms and conditions and fulfills a particular function.

Personal Loans

An unsecured loan known as a personal loan can be used for a number of things, including debt consolidation, home renovation, and unforeseen costs. Usually, banks, credit unions, and online lenders provide them.

Since personal loans usually don’t require collateral and the money can be used for any purpose, they are frequently seen as flexible options. On the other hand, as compared to other installment loan kinds, personal loans frequently have higher interest rates.

Mortgage Loans

Secured loans used to buy a house or refinance an existing mortgage are known as mortgage loans. The property being bought or refinanced serves as their collateral.

Generally speaking, mortgage interest rates are lower than those of unsecured personal loans. Banks, credit unions, and mortgage businesses offer them.

Auto Loans

A secured loan used to buy a car is called an auto loan. The car that is being bought serves as collateral for them.

Similar to house loans, interest rates on auto loans are frequently lower than those on unsecured personal loans. Banks, credit unions, and car dealerships all sell them.

Student Loans

The purpose of student loans is to assist borrowers in covering costs associated with their education, including living expenses, books, and tuition. The interest rate varies based on the lender and the type of loan, and they might be secured or unsecured. The government, banks, and other financial entities sell them.

Pros and Cons of Installment Loans


• Monthly payments that are predictable: One of the key benefits of installment loans is that they have set payback schedules, which makes the monthly installments affordable and predictable. Finances can be planned appropriately by borrowers.

• Chance to establish your credit history: Paying back an installment loan on schedule raises credit ratings, which might facilitate future loan or credit card approval.

• Purchase of larger items: Installment loans enable borrowers to make larger purchases that they might not be able to do with cash or credit cards, like a home or automobile.


• High-interest rates: One of the primary drawbacks of installment loans is that, in comparison to other loan kinds, they frequently have interest rates that are higher. This may eventually result in a higher overall cost of borrowing.

• Default risk: Borrowers run the danger of going into default on their loans and lowering their credit ratings if they are unable to make their payments on time. Penalties or other fines may also follow from this.

• Limited flexibility: Since installment loans usually have established payback schedules, the borrower is required to make a certain payment each month. Because of this, it could be challenging to modify the loan if the borrower’s financial circumstances alter.

How to Get an Installment Loan

Local banks or credit unions are the ideal places to start your search for an installment loan. It is highly likely that they will offer you a favorable interest rate if you have a past history with them. Thus, begin there.

After you receive figures, look about and contrast your offerings. These days, there are many different types of online lenders, some of which are more reliable than others. While not all of them are dubious, you should still conduct your due diligence and check online reviews.

Remember that many lenders have negative feedback from previous clients, usually those who had collections brought against them for nonpayment of bills.

When someone feels abandoned, they are never more likely to post a review. Read the reviews, but don’t read the ones where the reviewers are obviously just upset that they were unable to postpone payments indefinitely.

Installment Loan FAQs

What is the highest amount you can get?

Depending on your level of financial strength. You should be able to obtain a sizable installment loan if you are well-off, have good credit, and don’t owe much money.

Nevertheless, the maximum amount you can withdraw is subject to state laws in many cases, and the lender will also determine this. For instance, the highest online loan amount offered by Speedy Cash to Virginia residents is $750.

However, heed this word of caution: you shouldn’t withdraw the maximum amount just because you were allowed for a particular amount. Make sure you never take more than you need and can afford to return.

Do installment loans require credit checks?

If you know you’ll need a loan, it makes sense to check your credit score because most lenders do look up credit histories. Your FICO score is frequently provided to you at no cost by your bank or credit card. If not, you can visit myFICO.

For $60, you may have FICO scores and reports from all three credit bureaus, or you can only get one for $20. TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax could differ based on which credit agencies receive reports from your creditors. While the others won’t, one might make a mistake or bad grade. For this reason, you ought to review your credit report concurrently.

Your financial history, including missed payments, defaults, bankruptcies, and on-time payments, is fully documented in your credit reports. It is imperative that you monitor your credit reports!

According to a 2013 Federal Trade Commission analysis, the credit reports of more than 42 million Americans had inaccuracies. Get your free reports from the Annual Credit Report once a year to avoid this. Take action and notify the credit bureau right away if you find a mistake.

Installment loans designed exclusively for borrowers with terrible credit are available if you are aware that you have bad credit and will require funds before you can work to repair it.

These loans have drawbacks, such as high-interest rates and collateral requirements. Thus, make sure you won’t be eligible for a standard installment loan by doing some research beforehand.

Do I have a specific reason for taking out a loan?

Depending on the kind of loan you receive. It goes without saying that you must use the proceeds from school loans, home mortgages, and auto loans for a specific investment or purchase. However, if you simply obtain a standard unsecured personal loan, you can typically utilize the funds for any purpose you like, without having to answer any questions.

Unsecured loans are frequently used by people for unforeseen expenses like auto repairs or medical trips. To put it simply, they are frequently utilized for expenses that, in a stronger economy, people might afford to pay for themselves without significantly shifting the balance.

Do all installment loans have fixed interest rates?

While sadly not all of them do, a large number of them do. The majority of lenders are aware that since fixed-interest rate installment loans enable borrowers to properly plan and manage their monthly and annual expenses, they are preferred by borrowers over variable-interest rate loans.

It is important to find out which kinds of installment loans the lender offers before applying for one. They might provide both.

Variable-interest rate installment loans frequently have lower initial rates than fixed-rate loans. However, they typically increase to the point that, when the loan is paid off, they nearly match fixed loans.

This isn’t always the case, and borrowers frequently pay more in the end than if they had chosen the fixed loan option from the start. It’s not fun at all to discover, after a few months, that your monthly payments have increased.

What requirements are needed for a loan application?

Although the lender’s particular requirements will probably differ, you may generally expect some similar standards such as these:

• The state in which you obtain the loan must be your place of residence.

• You must be at least 18 years old.

• The majority demand a current savings or checking account.

• You cannot be a debtor who has filed for bankruptcy or is preparing to do so.

• The majority demand a copy of your ID from the government.

• While employment is not a requirement, having a reliable source of income is.

• A valid taxpayer identification number or security number is required.

How quickly after approval can I receive the money?

To avoid being repetitious, it is contingent upon the lender. Some internet lenders have the ability to immediately transfer the funds into your checking account. Others require a minimum of one to two business days, often even more.

A word of caution: charges are typically higher the faster you receive the money. Although not set in stone, this is a useful guideline.

Can I pay off the loan early?

Installment loan borrowers can pay off their loans early with some lenders and not with others. After all, interest is how they generate revenue. When a lender does let you pay off early, they usually impose costs to make up for the money they would have otherwise received in interest. It might not even be worth it, depending on the lender.

Conversely, some creditors won’t track you down and don’t give a damn if you pay off early. Check to discover whether there will be any costs beforehand if you think you might be able to pay off your installment early.

How do installment loans affect your credit score?

Depending on how you manage the loan, installment loans may have a favorable or negative effect on your credit score.

Your credit score may rise if you repay the loan on schedule and the credit bureaus receive a report about it. A good payment history is an important aspect of evaluating your credit score.

However, your credit score may suffer if you miss payments or default on the loan because these events would be recorded by the credit bureaus. Your credit score can be significantly impacted by default or foreclosure, as well as by missing or late payments.

The kind of credit you have, how long you have had credit, and how much credit you are using are among the other factors that the credit bureaus take into account. Therefore, it may be good for your credit score to have a variety of credit kinds, such as mortgages, credit cards, and installment loans.

What’s the difference between a payday loan and an installment loan?

It’s well known that both loan kinds provide borrowers with cash quickly. They are hence excellent in emergency situations. There are certain distinctions between the two, though, mostly in relation to the term of the loan (or payback period) and any potential fees.

Usually, you have to pay back the full amount of your payday loan, together with any associated fees, by the time you get paid again. That explains the moniker “payday” loans. Installment loans are distinct in that daily interest is charged. Additionally, you have more time to return the total amount over the payback period.

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Deepak Kochar is a freelance writer who has been featured in publications like Investor Place and GO Banking Rates. He writes about various personal finance topics including student loans, credit cards, investing, building credit, and more.

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