What Is a Gold IRA?

What Is a Gold IRA? A straightforward and novel form of individual retirement account (IRA) is a type of investment account that allows you to hold gold, silver, and other precious metals in physical form.

When it comes to investing for retirement, there are numerous alternatives available. Yet, you may not have considered investing in gold, namely through a gold IRA.

A gold IRA is a straightforward and novel form of individual retirement account (IRA). 

In lieu of stocks and bonds, it invests in precious metals, especially gold but also silver, and platinum.

Investing in a gold IRA offers the possibility of protecting your investments against economic turbulence and diversifying your portfolio of assets.

However, it is essential to remember that a gold IRA may not be ideal for everyone, and a full review of your unique financial circumstances is required prior to making any investment decisions.

This article will offer you a thorough grasp of gold IRAs and the information you need to make an informed investing decision.

What is a gold IRA?

You have the choice of financing this account with pre-tax funds or post-tax monies as a Roth IRA.

Your cash will not be invested in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, but rather in precious metal coins or bullion, a more real investment option.

The same tax laws and procedures apply to a precious metals IRA as to any other IRA.

Investment in gold bullion and other precious metals extends beyond IRAs.

Some investors prefer to invest in shares or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) of gold mining firms or precious metal funds.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of gold investors prefer to preserve their investments in real precious metals.

Types of Gold IRAs

There are three major types of gold IRAs: traditional, Roth, and SEP.

  • Traditional gold IRA: Traditional gold IRAs are funded using pre-tax monies, and withdrawals in retirement are subject to income tax.
  • Roth IRA: Roth IRAs are funded using after-tax earnings and permit tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement.
  • SEP gold IRA: SEP IRAs are designed for self-employed individuals and small business owners and are funded with pre-tax dollars. Contribution limitations vary, and employers can make contributions on behalf of their employees.

Eligible Precious Metals

The IRS has strict guidelines for the types of metals that can be included in a gold IRA. 

Here is an overview of IRS-approved precious metals and their respective requirements.

1. Gold

To be eligible for inclusion in a self-directed gold IRA, gold coins or bars must meet stringent purity requirements of at least 99.5%.

Any gold that does not meet these requirements will be rejected.

If the gold passes the purity test, it must be stored securely in an authorized depository, which is a facility designed to protect precious metals.

A trusted and IRS-approved custodian, who will serve as the trustee of the IRA and oversee the safekeeping of the gold, is also required.

Among the most popular gold coins and bars for IRAs are the following:

  • Gold American Eagle coins
  • Gold American Buffalo coins
  • Australian Gold Nugget and Kangaroo coins
  • Gold Philharmonic coins from Austria
  • Gold Johnson Matthey bar
  • Valcambi Gold CombiBar
  • Gold Maple Leaf coins from Canada
  • Credit Suisse Gold Bars

2. Silver

To be eligible for deposit into a gold IRA, silver coins must have a minimum purity of 99.9%.

Following is a list of silver coins and bars that meet the inclusion requirements for an IRA:

  • Silver American Eagle coins
  • Silver Australian Kookaburra coins
  • Silver Austrian Philharmonic coins
  • Silver Maple Leaf coins from Canada
  • Mexican Silver Libertad coins
  • Silver bar from Johnson Matthey
  • Silver Royal Canadian Mint bar

3. Platinum

Platinum coins and bars must meet or exceed a 99.95% purity requirement.

Here is a list of platinum bars and coins eligible for IRAs:

  • Platinum American Eagle coins
  • Australian Koala Platinum coins
  • Platinum Canadian Maple Leaf coins
  • Noble Isle of Man coins

4. Palladium

Lastly, palladium must meet a purity standard of at least 99.95 percent.

Here is a list of palladium bars and coins accepted by IRAs:

  • Palladium Maple Leaf Canadian coins
  • Russian Ballerina Palladium coins
  • Baird Palladium bars
  • Credit Suisse palladium bars

Metals That Are Not Eligible for a Gold IRA

If you wish to invest in a gold IRA, you must be cognizant of the accepted metals.

 Although collectors may be interested in other precious metal bars and coins, they may not be eligible for investment in a gold IRA.

To ensure you are making sound investment choices, it is best to work with a reputable precious metals firm.

Before investing in precious metals that you are uncertain about, you should double-check with your IRA provider to avoid any complications.

The following metals are ineligible for investment in a gold IRA:

  • Austrian Corona
  • Belgian Franc
  • British Sovereign and Britannia
  • Chilean Peso
  • Panda Chinese coins
  • Dutch Guilder
  • French 20 francs
  • Hungarian Korona
  • Italian Lira
  • Mexican Peso
  • Krugerrand, South Africa
  • Swiss Franc

Pros and Cons of Gold IRAs

Before investing in a gold IRA, it is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Before making a choice, consider the following factors:


Since the 2008 Financial Crisis, gold IRAs have become a popular alternative to the stock market for investors seeking diversification.

Many individuals believe that gold is an effective hedge against inflation.

Moreover, gold IRAs are not as difficult to invest in as they once were.

Due to increased demand, there are now more legitimate gold IRA companies that will assist you in purchasing and managing your gold and precious metals investment.


One of the most significant disadvantages of opening a gold IRA is the high startup costs.

In addition, gold does not pay dividends or interest, which defeats the purpose of placing it in a tax-favored investment.

In addition, because gold is not a liquid asset, withdrawals from gold IRAs are difficult for many individuals.

Additionally, you must ensure that you’re working with a reputable, knowledgeable company. Otherwise, it is easy to fall victim to fraudsters.

How to Get Started With a Gold IRA?

Starting a gold IRA requires opening a self-directed IRA account, which gives you more investment options.

You will be responsible for managing this retirement account, but you will need a broker to purchase gold and secure your assets.

Consider a bank, credit union, or brokerage firm that has been approved by a state or federal agency when choosing a custodian.

You may also inquire with your gold dealer about reputable brokers.

Starting Costs to Open a Gold IRA?

Unlike traditional IRAs, gold IRAs incur a few additional fees. Here are some of the most important costs you should be aware of:

  • The markup fee: When purchasing gold or precious metals, you may be required to pay a markup fee. This is a one-time, upfront fee that varies depending on the vendor you select.
  • IRA setup fee: The setup fee is another one-time cost associated with establishing your IRA account. Again, this varies based on the broker you select. However, it may be more expensive because not all firms offer gold IRAs.
  • Custodian fees: An annual fee must be paid to the custodian who manages your gold IRA.
  • Storage fees: Your gold must be kept in a safe, authorized location. Consequently, you will be required to pay annual storage fees.

Bottom Line

If you want to diversify your portfolio beyond the stock market, a gold IRA may be a good choice.

Precious metals such as gold are frequently regarded as safe investments and can serve as a hedge against inflation.

Other methods of asset diversification may be more cost-effective and less cumbersome.

Some individuals view gold as a poor choice for a tax-deferred investment because it does not generate a return.

If you choose a gold IRA, be sure to conduct extensive research on your metals dealer and custodian to protect your investment and avoid fraud.

Gold IRAs: Frequently Asked Questions

Is a gold IRA a good investment?

It depends on your individual financial situation and investment goals.

While some view gold as a hedge against inflation and a way to diversify their portfolio, others may not find physical gold investments to be worthwhile.

Before investing in a gold IRA, it is essential to thoroughly examine both the potential risks and benefits in order to make an informed decision.

How do I set up a gold IRA?

To establish a gold IRA account, you must locate a company that specializes in establishing precious metals IRAs.

Gold IRA providers will provide you with the documentation and instructions necessary to open and fund your account.

Are there any restrictions on what types of gold I can hold in my IRA?

The types of gold that can be held in a precious metals IRA are governed by specific regulations.

The gold must be at least 99.5% pure and must come from an authorized refinery or mint in the form of coins or bars.

The American Gold Eagle and the Canadian Gold Maple Leaf are two prevalent examples of approved gold coins.

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Deepak Kochar is a freelance writer who has been featured in publications like Investor Place and GO Banking Rates. He writes about various personal finance topics including student loans, credit cards, investing, building credit, and more.

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