What Is a Bad Credit Score?

Today I will discuss with you What Is a Bad Credit Score. We will also provide some advice on how to improve a low credit score.

Before you stress about that dreaded three-digit number, discover what a low credit score is and what choices you have if you have one.

What are the different credit scoring models?

Before you can determine what a poor credit score is, you must grasp the range of credit scores. This is dependent on the credit scoring model employed.


Scores range from 300 to 850 on the FICO scale. Your payment history and the amount of debt you owe are the most significant aspects.

These two factors account for 65% of your FICO credit score. The remaining 35% is distributed among credit history duration, credit mix, and new credit or inquiries.

What is a bad FICO score?

A FICO credit score below 580 is often regarded as poor.

This is considered a low credit score, which could make obtaining loans, credit cards, and other forms of finance difficult.


VantageScore is an increasingly common credit scoring algorithm developed by the three major credit agencies.

The previous credit scores ranged from 501 to 990. However, the most recent version, VantageScore 3.0, has the same credit score range as FICO: 300 to 850.

This makes it easier for consumers and lenders to have the same fundamental understanding of a credit score, regardless of the scoring model employed.

Your payment history is the most crucial factor for VantageScore.

Next in importance are the ages of your credit accounts, the types of credit you have, and the percentage of your credit limit that has been used.

The credit scoring model then takes into account your total balances and debt, followed by your recent credit queries and available credit.

What is a bad VantageScore credit score?

A negative VantageScore credit score is one that is less than 600. Credit scores below 500 on the VantageScore are considered “extremely poor.”

Why does your credit score matter?

Your credit score is not a random number sitting in a file somewhere. Instead, it fluctuates constantly depending on how you manage your finances.

Conversely, if you have a credit account that has been sent to collections, your credit score will likely plummet.

All of this is significant because your credit score is used by lenders and other creditors to determine how likely you are to repay a potential loan.

If your credit score is high, creditors will determine that you are creditworthy.

They are more likely to approve your loan application and provide you with favorable terms and interest rates.

So, what exactly is a bad credit score?

Most financial experts define a poor credit score as anything less than 600. However, each lender has its own criteria for application review.

The average American credit score is 716, which provides context for the range.

If you have poor credit, your credit report likely contains a number of negative items. 

These include missed payments, delinquencies, and possibly bankruptcy or foreclosure.

You can always request a free credit report to determine exactly what is causing your low credit score.

We recommend reviewing your credit report annually.

Every twelve months, federal law grants you access to a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus.

Therefore, there is no reason not to utilize this benefit. Simply visit AnnualCreditReport.com to request your Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion credit reports.

What are the consequences of having a low credit score?

If you have poor credit, you will be offered longer terms with higher interest rates. This results in increased monthly payments and increased interest costs.

Numerous other circumstances in life necessitate a solid credit history.

As part of the application process, landlords may request your credit score to determine whether you are likely to pay your rent on time.

Employers can pull your credit report if you’re applying for a position that involves handling money.

Many aspects of your life can be negatively impacted by having poor credit. 

If you’re already there, the time may be right to fix it.

Where can I find out my credit score?

Once you obtain your credit report, your financial history will be displayed on multiple pages.

(It could be more or less depending on the length of your payment history.)

Lenders consider both pieces of information when making a loan offer. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of both your credit report and credit score.

How can you get your credit score?

Educational credit scores

Although numerous websites provide free credit scores, some are referred to as “educational credit scores,” or “FAKOs,” because they are not your actual FICO score. 

When applying for a loan, you may be surprised to discover a significant difference between your educational credit score and your FICO score.

Real FICO Scores

You can purchase your actual FICO score from the company’s website. Sign up for a credit monitoring service if you intend to improve your credit score gradually.

This allows you to regularly monitor your progress. Ensure that the company you choose utilizes the genuine FICO.

You can also determine whether one of your existing credit cards offers free credit score updates. Numerous companies now offer this service as a cardholder perk. 

Check this exhaustive list of credit cards that offer free credit scores to see if yours is included.

Can I get a personal loan if I have bad credit?

Many factors influence your eligibility for a personal loan. The type of lender you choose will also affect your approval.

You’ll probably qualify for a smaller loan amount.

However, it can be useful if you need to finance a large purchase that your regular cash flow cannot cover.

A personal loan may also require collateral because an unsecured loan represents a greater risk for the lender.

Before making a final decision, make sure to shop around for the best possible loan.

Can I get a mortgage if I have bad credit?

Most mortgage lenders must adhere to stringent guidelines.

If you do not meet their eligibility requirements, there is little you can do to obtain a mortgage until your credit score improves.

Even if you have a low credit score, you have a few mortgage options.

Typically, a conventional loan requires a credit score of at least 620.

FHA Loans

An FHA loan permits borrowers with credit scores as low as 580 and a minimum 3.5% down payment.

Technically, you could still qualify for an FHA loan with a credit score below 580, but you would need a 10% down payment.

Of course, when applying for a mortgage, you’ll also need to show that you have other financial resources in addition to your credit score. 

For example, your monthly debt payments should not exceed 43 percent of your gross monthly income. This ratio is referred to as your debt-to-income ratio.

Additionally, lenders consider your employment and assets.

How can I fix my credit score?

Credit naturally repairs itself over time, usually within 7 to 10 years. 

Dispute Inaccuracies

It is relatively simple to dispute an incorrect item with the credit bureaus.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, any information on your credit report that cannot be verified within 30 to 45 days must be removed.

Having numerous negative marks on your credit report is one of the primary causes of poor credit. Therefore, it may be beneficial to hire a professional credit repair service.

Work on Your Credit Utilization Ratio

Another simple way to reduce your credit utilization is to focus on debt repayment. 

This improves both your credit score and your loan or credit application as a whole.

Get a Secured Credit Card

You will likely be denied an unsecured credit card. Some banks and credit unions, however, offer secured credit cards.

A secured credit card is a type of credit card that requires an issuing bank security deposit.

The deposit serves as collateral for the credit line, allowing the bank to mitigate the risk associated with extending credit to individuals with poor credit histories.

Typically, the credit limit is equal to the amount of the deposit, but it can occasionally be less.

The cardholder can then use the card as any other credit card, making purchases and paying the balance in full or in installments. 

The bank notifies credit bureaus of the cardholder’s payment history, thereby contributing to the establishment of credit history.

When the cardholder decides to close his or her account, the bank will return the security deposit, less any outstanding fees.

Take Out a Credit Builder Loan

A credit builder loan is a type of loan that assists with credit building. Typically, online lenders, credit unions, and community banks offer these loans.

Credit-builder loans are intended to assist borrowers in establishing credit histories by making timely monthly payments.

The borrower receives the loan amount in a savings account and makes monthly payments towards the loan with a credit-builder loan.

 As the borrower makes on-time payments, the lender notifies the credit bureaus, which helps the borrower build credit.

Bottom Line

With bad credit, there are only so many quick fixes you can try before hitting a brick wall in your progress.

However, a credit repair company can assist you in exercising your rights to have negative credit accounts removed and your credit repaired.

You do not need to feel trapped if you have poor credit.

There may still be credit options available to you, and you can also take actionable steps to get back on a better financial path.

What is considered a good credit score?

The majority of lenders, including banks and non-banking finance companies, deem a credit score of 750 or higher to be excellent.

How can I improve my credit score immediately?

Here are some immediate methods for boosting your credit score:

1. Increase your existing credit card’s credit limit.

2. Maintain a low ratio of credit usage.

3. Pay off all the pending debts.

4. Correct any errors on your credit report.

5. limit applications for credit cards

6. Don’t remove old credit accounts.

What is the benefit of having a high credit score?

A number of lenders offer discounted rates to consumers with excellent credit.

With a high credit score, you not only qualify for a loan but also receive discounts on interest rates, processing fees, etc.

Get more updates from Banking and Loans along with the Credit at Top Financial Plan.

Deepak Kochar is a freelance writer who has been featured in publications like Investor Place and GO Banking Rates. He writes about various personal finance topics including student loans, credit cards, investing, building credit, and more.

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